Past members See Website Anthrax is an American band fromformed in 1981 by rhythm guitarist and bassist. The group is considered one of the leaders of the scene from the 1980s and anthrax part of the "Big Four" anthrax the genre, along withand. Anthrax were anthrax one of the first thrash metal bands along with and to emerge from the Anthrax Coast. The band has released 11 studio albums, several other albums, and 26 singles, including collaborating on anthrax American anthrax. According toAnthrax sold 2. 5 million records in the United States from 1991 to 2004, 오늘 코로나 확진 자 실시간 worldwide sales of 10 anthrax. Four of the band's studio albums have also achieved gold certifications by theincluding their third full-length record 1987which.
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